Good Fish, Bad Fish? 

Using Maritech Eye™, you can automate the quality assessment of your salmon or white fish – with an objective eye, at industrial speed. 

Quality inspection, reinvented

Earn more, strengthen your brand and get a greener seafood production.

By automating your quality assessment, documentation and sorting, you can use your resources in a more cost-efficient way and improve your margins. With our standardized setups for salmon or whitefish, you can easily get started and get full return on your investment within just a few months. Ask us for a proposal.

Maritech Eye™ detects and documents blood spots, gaping (whitefish and salmon) winter wounds, melanin, salmofan, fat (salmon), nematodes, and species (white fish fillets + round fish). As the scanning gives you objective documentation of the fish quality – in industrial speed, with a unique ID for each fish – you can easily provide this verification and traceability to your customers either they are wholesalers, supermarket chains or smaller buyers. If you buy fish from others, you will be able to verify that you pay for the quality you actually get.

Brand, Business, Sustainability

As Maritech Eye™ scans the fish early in the production process, you will get a more sustainable production due to reduced waste and improved resource productivity. You can allocate premium quality for price premium products, while the rest of the fish can be used optimally in other product segments – improving your production planning through fact-based decisions. Another sustainability gain is the human aspect – you can significantly reduce or reprioritize manual workloads and repetitive tasks, while getting a more efficient production line – delivering with higher precision.

Being able to document your quality is great news for your brand and competitive advantage. Again – the objectivity is essential, you can prove that what you have to offer is actually as great as you say it is, and you can make it a part of your storytelling. This may also give you access to new markets, and allows you to reduce claims from your customers.

Data to grader and dashboard

The Eye has proven to detect significantly more flaws on the fish surface than a human is able to see, and is also the only solution of its kind in the world that is able to “see” inside the flesh.

Maritech Eye™ gives each fish a unique quality score based on given criteria, documenting the quality assessment. The information is sent to the grader as well as to our LINSiGHT IoT platform for storage and visualization.

Customer Case: UR Seafood

In December 2022, Útgerðarfélag Reykjavíkur became the first company to start using Maritech Eye onboard fishing vessels. Their purpose is to automate the recognition and documentation of species in combination with size and other parameters related to various characteristics of whitefish catch.

The information is also sent to the fisheries authorities in Iceland, Fiskistofa, The Icelandic Directorate of Fisheries, who are using the data for research and estimation of stock size to optimize Icelandic quotas.

“We chose Maritech Eye™ because we see the possibility to solve the task of registering all our catch and believe it will greatly help optimizing our operations and give important research data to fishing authorities,” says Runólfur V Guðmundsson, CEO Útgerðarfélag Reykjavíkur.